Business Use Cases | KGC 2023

Business Use Cases | KGC 2023

All content from Business Use Cases KGC 2023.

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Business Use Cases | KGC 2023
  • Fraud Networks: Our Answer to Detecting Fraudster Webs

    This talk will be about understanding graph technology as a solution to detect transitive relationships between indicators of fraud, and help uncover new networks of fraudsters before they scale. We will talk about building an in house ecosystem that stores fraud events as graph data and emits gr...

  • Learn to Build a Scalable KG For 360 Degree Personalization of Customers

    Personalization is the key to success for consumer product organizations. In this talk, you'll learn the insights and design patterns to build a scalable & polyglot Knowledge Graph to provide personalized experiences to end customer. It'd also cover the practical tips and architectural know how t...

  • Knowledge Graphs for Contextual AI

    Companies are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) applications for decision-making today. However, due to lack of context, AI systems have not yet achieved their full potential as reliable solutions for complex problems. Enter knowledge graphs - the modern way to capture relationships...

  • Knowledge-Graph-Driven Recommendations

    The IKEA Knowledge Graph includes information around complementary products, their benefits, as well as some safety precautions that customers should be aware of. This information is captured on a general level and allows to drive customer-facing recommendations in a very efficient manner. Also, ...

  • A global knowledge graph of people, skills and companies

    Beamery is a funded startup based in London and the US, selling talent management software to enterprises, and is industry leading in the talent management sector. As a company, we have invested heavily in practical AI solutions underpinned by knowledge graph technology.

    By far the largest kn...

  • Applied Ontology for a Semantic Layer in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

    As industries grapple with the need and various approaches to implementing Digital Transformation, a shift in thinking about data technology and data culture within organizations is required to realize its full potential. Knowledge graph technology presents an emerging approach to manage and inte...

  • The error is the message: Extracting Insights from Deceptive Data

    Turning dross into gold. Knowledge graphs, with their capacity for surfacing vast hidden networks, can help detect looted art from the ownership history - or provenance - of artworks. The cultural heritage sector and art industry have explored named entity recognition with an event-based approach...