Masterclass: Using Dgraph to Explore the Offshore Leaks Database
This masterclass will take participants through the analysis, loading, and querying of the Offshore Data Leaks dataset from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) into a single-node Dgraph cluster. The data set comprises over 2 million nodes and 3 million
relationships encompassing the Panama Papers, Pandora Papers, and others.
Participants will
● Analyze the Offshore Leaks raw data to understand its format and devise import strategies
● Import the data into a Dgraph cluster
use Dgraph to attempt to solve:
● An entity resolution problem
● Locating Offshore Leaks entities by geographic location
● Finding the shortest path between any two given Offshore Leaks entities
● and more...
Laptop Requirements
Participants will need a laptop with at least 8GB RAM and 4GB free disk space."