Environmental, Social and Governance | KGC 2023

Environmental, Social and Governance | KGC 2023

All content from Environmental, Social and Governance Track KGC 2023.

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Environmental, Social and Governance | KGC 2023
  • Decentralized Knowledge for the Global South

    While 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were produced every day in 2021, this number is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. With the constantly increasing flow of data, organisations, particularly those in the Global South, are struggling to process, structure, use, and share the data...

  • Towards a Knowledge Graph Framework for ESG Supply Chain Analysis

    "Sustainability and any kind of ESG related topics also present several challenges and opportunities in the area of sustainability reporting and auditing. Reasons for this may be the lack of a central database, but also the difficulties in the technical evaluation of this data. For this reason, w...

  • TellFinder: How we harness KGs, AI and DWS to Combat Human Trafficking

    TellFinder is a counter human trafficking application with origins in a DARPA R&D project that is nearing 10 years of active deployment with various agencies. Based on a knowledge graph-like structure extracted from enriched adult service ads, we have learned from numerous unique challenges over ...

  • A Billion Dollar Opportunity: Superscaling Knowledge at NOKIA

    240TeraWatts and counting. Mobile network infrastructures are consuming a significant portion of the world’s energy. This is the story of GEORG GEIGER who as the head of NOKIAs mobile network software supply-chain identified knowledge graphs as a means for the automation of his business …. and en...

  • Supporting ESG strategies with enterprise recommender systems and KGs

    ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is increasingly becoming the central guiding principle for companies in all industries. ESG need not remain an imposed compliance constraint for companies, but can also provide a wealth of opportunities and ideas for how organizations can evolve.

  • Automated ESG Knowledge Extraction from News

    Presentation covers a technology used to automate Knowledge extraction from Text. This novel technology blends neural language models, semantic tech, rule systems, linguistic theory to achieve reliable extraction performance. Specifically, the dicussion will focus on the work done together with D...

  • SustainGraph: a Knowledge Graph for tracking the progress towards the SDGs

    In this talk, we present the SustainGraph, as a Knowledge Graph that is developed within the framework of the ARSINOE Horizon Europe project to track information related to the progress towards the achievement of targets defined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at nation...