Trey Botard | Bringing Time & Truth To Semantic Data
KGC21 | Conference Only Pass
Semantic systems provide tremendous opportunities to interoperate our data, facilitate shared vocabularies, and power enterprise knowledge graphs, but these increasingly distributed data ecosystems also introduce new instabilities and concerns. What happens when data we rely on is changing in unexpected ways; how do we build trust around open-access data sources; what happens if a dataset suffers a catastrophic update that disrupts the entire data system it participates in?
For data to participate in increasingly expansive and accessible semantic networks, it needs to be empowered with additional traceability, security, and trust. In this presentation, Trey will show how Fluree's platform works to do just that, by building its semantic graph database on top of an immutable ledger backplane that introduces a sense of truth and time to semantic data. This talk will look at how queries drastically improve when they become temporal; how a ledger backplane introduces time-traveling data; and how trust in data expands when data can reproduce its own lineage or prove the identity of the individual or machine who transacted it. The goal of the talk is to demonstrate that additional security and trust is not only a prerequisite for more expansive & interoperable data, but also a guarantee of richer, more powerful data that extends the reach of semantics into the fourth dimension.
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