"Multi" Model: An Ontology For Every DB on the Truck
May 10 | KGC 2023
A multi-model database allows multiple data representations to coexist in the same instance. In simpler times, that meant two models -- such as document and graph -- in one. In this presentation, I tackle the multi-model dream of tomorrow: a single model with data spanning many and various database services: key-value, document, relational, lake, in-memory, search service, graph, and more. Cloud providers have all these services on the truck, and it's never been easier to get them all up and running. There's just one complication: drawing the model! Graph to the rescue! I show, using the example of movies, a straightforward ontological approach to model the structure of data spanning database services across "the truck."
Up Next in May 10 | KGC 2023
Towards a Knowledge Graph Framework f...
"Sustainability and any kind of ESG related topics also present several challenges and opportunities in the area of sustainability reporting and auditing. Reasons for this may be the lack of a central database, but also the difficulties in the technical evaluation of this data. For this reason, w...
Web-Scale Data Integration in Life Sc...
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Decentralized Knowledge for the Globa...
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