A Data Catalog Should be Your Organization's first Knowledge Graph
KGC | All Access Subscription
In this presentation, we'll cover why a data catalog is the first knowledge graph that an organization should build. Most organizations don't have a clear picture of their data assets and how they're being used - a data datalog helps provide that picture and unlock the value of data. We'll explore why a data catalog is a knowledge graph, and how a data catalog can be used as a foundational asset to build more granular domain and application knowledge graphs.
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Demo | KgBase
This is a product demonstration presented by Marta Lopata from KgBase and she is here to show their knowledge graph tool. She is here to show why they created the tool and how it is used to develop their graphs itself. #knowledgegraphs #knowledgegraphconference #knowledgegraphsoftware
Why Semantic Objects Please App Devs ...
Elisa Kendall | Using FIBO: A Use-Cas...
The Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) has matured in significant areas over the last few years, but until recently there were few examples to help users understand how to interpret it and build it into their own knowledge graphs. Since early 2019, the FIBO development team has been focu...